5 Interior Design Elements that Cause Bad Vibes

Get out your sage leaves! Here’s a quick look at superstitions in the interior space that are said to bring bad juju. 1. Broken things Items in need of repair are very bad in feng shui terms. If something has lost its purpose, it’s going to sit around reminding you of its negative state until you put it to the top of your to-do list. Get. It. Done! 2. Taxidermy and dead things Hooray! Some of you will cry – the hunting lodge look is on its way out. But it’s not just the stuffed animal on your wall that raises a red flag for bad juju, even things like dried flowers are on the watch list. Hey, potpourri was so 90's anyway. 3. TV in the bedroom If you need to, you can use this list to keep your partner from installing the flat screen in the master bedroom. There are a lot of feng shui theories about this one, but science backs up the fact that falling asleep watch TV is not good for you, and no-one wants to be robbed of...